The Ancient Villages

Tradition and culture
In Autumn, Oltresommo, with its evocative and silent villages of San Sebastiano, Tezzeli, Perpruneri, Cueli, Carbonare and Nosellari, acquires an ancient and suggestive charm.

Sentiero dell’Acqua – The path of Water, with Segheria dei Mein – Sawmill of Mein and the ancient Mulino dei Cueli – Mill of Cueli, is the theme of a story that starts far away and that its inhabitants passionately treasure.

The gentle flow of the water, the dense forest vegetation that surrounds the landscape with red and yellow and the silence create a suggestive autumnal splendour.

A stage in Maso Guez to get to know the beautiful goats of Adamello and the rainbow eggs is a must.

To quench your thirst, drink the water that gushes clear from the ancient fountains .. it’s revitalising!
