History, culture and traditions

Discover the history and the old traditions, which signed the territory of the Alpe Cimbra: the fortress Forte Belvedere, Base Tuono, the Centro di Documentazione di Lusèrn (where every year there is a temporary exhibition). With a stay of minimum 2 nights in our structure, you will receive the Trentino Guest Card, a special card, which permit you to visit all these museums free.
There are also the sentieri tematici, special paths like the Sentiero dalle storie alla Storia and the Sentiero dell'Immaginario in Lusern, many paths in the many villages of the Alpe like Guardia, the pained village or Serrada with the futurism art. There is also Nosellari with the trenches or Mezzomonte with the old cableways, Lavarone with the Respiro degli Alberi (breath of the trees)
Near the Alpe Cimbra there are the Beseno Castle, the Mart and the famous Muse.