Places to see

Find out all what you can visit in Alpe Cimbra!
The parish church (XVII century), the Austro-Hungarian military cemetery (1914-1918 war), the historic center, the particular castle Maso Spilzi dated back to the eighteenth-century, the 16th-century Saint Valentine church, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Grace (XV sec.), the painted village Guardia, the fortress Forte Cherle, the fortress Sommo Alto, the fortress Dosso delle Somme, Thunder Base (museum dedicated to the Cold War), the thematic walking trails: the waterway “Sentiero dell'Acqua”,  “Forra del Lupo”, Serrada – the village of Depero, the path of the trenches “Sentiero delle trincee”, the ancient Mill “Mulino dei Cueli”.

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