Lake Lavarone

A true gem surrounded by nature.

Becco di Filadonna

The Becco di Filadonna (2,150 m a.s.l.) is one of the most demanding dolomitic peak in the area of Alpe Cimbra - Folgaria Lavarone Lusérn and the Vigolana.

Cima Vezzena

1908 m above sea-level – also called Pizzo di Levico

Il Giardino Botanico di Passo Coe - Passo Coe Botanic Garden

It is unusual to find a botanic garden at 1600m above sea level. On the slopes of Mount Maronìa, on Alpe di Coe, however, the botanic garden is a peculiar protected area where floral and vegetable species of the Alpine environment are exposed.

Rosspach Valley along the Rio Cavallo stream

In the ancient Cimbrian language it is called Rosspach valley, in Italian Valle del Rio Cavallo (cavallo-horse) because of the creek flowing through it: like a young horse it stalks and runs along the valley with thousands water jumps, ending its ...

Sentiero dell’acqua (The Path of Water)

The protagonist of this path is water, the water that flows in the stream Astico (“Astrach” in Cimbrian).

Forra del Lupo (The Wolf's Gorge)

It was called “Wolfsschlucht” by the Austrians, the “wolf’s throat”, the “wolf’s gorge”. A first-line trench that develops along the high rock walls of the cliff over the Valle di Terragnolo, in front of the “sacred mountain” of Trentino, Pasubio…

Avez del Prinzep

“Avez del Prinzep” (The Silver Fir of the Prince), Europe’s tallest silver fir