Lusérn Museum

Lusérn (TN)
The Lusérn research centre was born and dedicated to the culture of Luserna/Lusérn. Now, the museum focuses on other topics like the history and the traditions of the Cimbri minority language group, the Great War, the Alpe Cimbra fauna and the history of the ancient foundry chimneys dated back to the Bronze era.
The research centre is an organization without profit aiming at researching and collecting the historical proofs of the history of the area. Similarly, it stores historical documents of different kinds focusing on Luserna and with the provision of expositions and guided tours it raises awareness amongst the visitors.
It is thanks to these various activities that the research centre encourages employment and economic development of the local community of Lusern, the Cimbri people.

via Trento/Stradù, 6, 38040
Tel: 0464 789645