The first burials date back May 1915, the first days of war. Not only the Austro-Hungarian soldiers, but also the Italians who died during the assaults to Forte Busa Verle were buried in this cemetery.
According to the chronicle, the first soldier buried in the graveyard on May 29th was a Landesschütze (name unknown); the second belonged to the Italian troops, his name was Salvatore Randazzo, born in Palermo in 1895, whose body was found on 30th May 1915 nearby Forte Lusérn.
Many bodies of Italian soldiers, who died in the failed attack to the Basson on 24th and 25th August 1915, rest in mass graves.
It is possible to find several barracks and logistic posts surrounding the cemetery.
The graveyard was dismantled in 1921 and the remains of the bodies were moved to the “Ossario” (war memorial) of Asiago.
Today, 184 crosses lay in the cemetery but only symbolically. It was, however, renovated and blessed in 1986.
How to get there
From the main square of Luserna take the road to Malga Millegrobbe and continue towards Passo Vezzena. The cemetery is on the side of the road.