Among the well-known personalities of Luserna/Lusérn we can find the painter and philosopher Rheo Martin Predazza, to whom the community of Lusérn has dedicated an art gallery.
Born in Luserna/Lusérn in 1914, Martin attended the schools in the small village and continued its artistic apprenticeship in the workshop of a sculptor in Bolzano.
As many other families of the Altipiani, in 1942 he moved with his family to Stams, in the North of Tyrol.
In 1943, he enlisted in the Wermacht. Once the war was over, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. After finishing his studies, he worked as freelance artist, and in 1964, he began teaching in a higher education institute in Vienna.
Many exhibitions of its works have been organized in Europe and its art-works are preserved in private and public collections, among these the Belvedere Galley in Vienna and the Museum Ferdinandeum in Innsbruck.
In 1982, Martin left painting to focus on philosophy.
To show its love for its native village he donated 35 paintings and drawing and its old house to the Centro Documentazione di Luserna/Lusérn. After the restoration, his house was turned into the art gallery.
The art gallery is open from June to September.