All is set for "Brava Part," the Alpe Cimbra witch

"Brava Part" 2023: from September 30th to October 1st #savethedate

A record-breaking edition in Folgaria!
The parade held in Folgaria celebrates the history, culture and tradition of the Alpe Cimbra. 900 characters in costumes, 40 groups: bands, choirs and historical groups, over 100 children in costume, 15000 visitors.
900 characters in costumes, over 40 groups comprising bands, choirs and historical groups illustrating the tradition and identity of the Alpe Cimbra and Trentino by displaying the ancient crafts and historical costumes of the shepherds, masteleri (makers of woodenware), triveladori (drillers), vinaroi (wine makers) as well as all the activities that contributed to the local alpine economy in the past.
Over 100 children involved in the parade: this is a meaningful aspect of the parade, designed to encourage their attachment to the local area and the roots of their identity.
15000 visitors came from all around Italy to attend one of the most important historical re-enactments in the Alps.

The success of this event was due above all to a team effort on the part of the associations and tourist bodies of the Municipalities of Folgaria, Lavarone and Vigolana: they are the true soul and driving force behind a great celebration for the whole community.
The fashion show in Folgaria
• Il Battaglione degli Schützen Judicaria”
• I Troveladori dela Guardia
• I asilòti e i pòpi dele elementari
• I Pastori de Sanbastiam
• I Boscaroi del’Altopiam
• Il Gruppo Costumi Tradizionali di Terragnolo
• La Banda Musicale di Castello Tesino
• La Caròza dele Autorità Sindaco - Maresciallo - Pres.Comunità - medico - parroco
• La Banda Comunale di Moena
• Il Soccorso Alpino
• La Filo Viva de Vigol Vatar
• Deitschneafner Gaslschnöller di Nova Ponente
• La Schutzenkompanie Vigolana
• I Brentelari de Carbonare
• Il Gruppo Costumi Storici Valli del Leno “Laimpachtaler Zimbarn”
• I Zestelèri coi pori de Noselari
• Le Donne in Campo del Trentino
• La Banda Musicale di Faedo
See you at the 2023 edition!
30th September - 1st October 2023