Alpe Cimbra bike park: news coming soon!

In July 2023, a new bike park will be opened in Folgaria, which will offer a new biking area!

In June 2023, a new bike park will be opened in Serrada di Folgaria, which will offer a whole
new gravity biking area featuring Gravity and Flow trails!
The Pump Track is a piece of art that rises from the soil and represents a combination of wits and manual skills, professionalism and improvisation.
A sequence of bumps and parabolic curves covered with tarmac that makes the trail as smooth as a sheet of paper, and therefore suitable for all kinds of two-or four-wheel means of movements: bikes, scooters, skateboards, skates… anything goes, as long as you have fun with your friends!
This facility is suitable for anyone, and brings together parents and children, young and old, each with their own level and ambitions.
The secret to move along this track is to “pump” with your arms and legs, without pedalling or pushing with your feet, so as to take advantage of the downward slope to overcome the rise by combining the movements with as much coordination as possible!
The more coordinated you are, the faster you go and the more fun you have!
The Alpe Cimbra Bike Area features two tracks: the 70-m long Folgaria Bike Park in Serrada, inside the playground for 3-16-year-olds, which also comprises a mini-bike track for 3-6-year-olds, and the 200-m long Lavarone Bike Park in Bertoldi, which covers an area of around 1000 sq. m and was built using cutting-edge design techniques.
Bikepark Lavarone
If you are looking for thrills on two wheels, you should try downhill. Balance, muscles and reflexes are crucial to tackle steep descents and wild terrain of the 4 adrenaline-packed trails!
The Bike Park of Lavarone is renowned for the Whezzy, an orange trail as crazy as its name! Wooden structures, ramps to enjoy at full speed, U-turns and acrobatic jumps and the “Piña Colada”, a scary black trail stretch!