WANDERLUSTCategory: Private 4City: FOLGARIAFraction: Colpi ECO FRIENDLY National Identification Code IT022087B4SPZLBXOFWanderlust is a new b&b situated just 200 meters from the departure of ski sloper of Costa and near of the golf fields..a few steps from countless paths ...DetailsRequestBooking Multiple request
BAZZARIOCategory: Private 1City: LAVARONEFraction: Chiesa ECO FRIENDLYPetFriendly National Identification Code IT022102B484W5WAVFLook out of the big windows at Bazzario Suites by Lake Lavarone and discover the crystal-clear waters of the alpine lake, thick forests, and soft meadows that frame the most beautiful ...DetailsRequestBooking Multiple request
I FAGGICategory: B&BCity: LAVARONEFraction: Gionghi ECO FRIENDLY National Identification Code IT022102C13LUSLWZZFamily-run B&B, ideal for those who look for a relaxing and informal environment. It has 3 completely renovated rooms. Sweet / savory ...DetailsRequestBooking Multiple request
FRANCOLINICategory: Private 3City: FOLGARIAFraction: Francolini PetFriendly National Identification Code IT022087B4WRKE83DMarcella and Massimiliano welcome you to their family-run B&B B&B a stone's throw from Folgaria, surrounded by woods. The strength of our bed and breakfast is the passion in ...DetailsRequestBooking Multiple request
CASA TRUDI - CARPENTARI SUSANNACategory: B&BCity: FOLGARIAFraction: Folgaria paese Welcome to Pensione Trudi! The pensio Trudi is located in a quietly and sunny place about 500 metres from the center of the village. A modern pensio with all rooms provided woth bathroom, parking and garage, it's surrounded by its ample, green and ...DetailsRequestBooking Multiple request
LA MOLINELACategory: Private 1City: FOLGARIAFraction: Folgaria paese ECO FRIENDLY National Identification Code IT022087B4LHDFEZW6New structure LA MOLINELA B&B is located in the central Via E. Colpi Folgaria, in an ancient district called Villa. As early as 1478 our ancestors called BILL lived in ...DetailsRequestBooking Multiple request
LONGANORBAITCategory: Private 1City: FOLGARIAFraction: Carpeneda PetFriendly National Identification Code IT022087B4CFO44O6K The B&B is located near the banks Rio Cavallo, the stream that descends to the valley until Calliano. It is run by the Forrer Family, and take sits name from the area where it is ...DetailsRequestBooking Multiple request
COGOLACategory: Private 4City: FOLGARIAFraction: Serrada Bike Friendly National Identification Code IT022087B43MD4AAITWelcome to our family-run Restaurant Affittacamere Cogola B&B in the heart of the hamlet of Serrada, overlooking the Pasubio chain. B&B and Restaurant: of our bed and ...DetailsRequestBooking Multiple request