Weekend in Trentino with the Good Witch Brava Part
Autumn is just around the corner, and there's no better way to celebrate it than by immersing yourself in the beauty and traditions of the Trentino mountains. We invite you to experience a weekend of Trentino folklore on Alpe Cimbra in Folgaria, on September 28 and 29, where nature and culture come together to celebrate the identity of the region. Unplug and enjoy the fresh mountain air, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes and a welcoming atmosphere.
The Magic of Autumn in Folgaria: An Unforgettable Weekend for Couples and Families!
A proper event is filled with magic, and we want to share this moment of tradition, history, and enchantment with you.
The Legend of the Good Witch Brava Part...
Legend has it that hidden among the vegetation, in a narrow and difficult-to-access location south of Carpeneda, in the gorge of the Rio Cavallo, the witch Brava Part found refuge. The legend does not attribute any wrongdoing to the old crone, but she became part of folklore due to her cantankerous nature, which kept everyone away. The old witch had a habit of singing every afternoon, though more than a song, it was a croaky, off-key howl—quite a chilling experience. This was her best weapon used to scare away the unwary adventurers along the banks of the Rio Cavallo, where Brava Part did not want intruders.
The course of the Rio Cavallo (or Ròsspach as the Cimbri ancestors called it) and the wide, shady Gòn Forest have always been favorite spots for kids, who would often swim in the deep pools, such as the Paròl. The mere mention of Brava Part was enough to ensure timely returns home; if someone dared to stay until sunset, the whispers of twilight through the underbrush would remind them of the witch's song, urging an immediate return home.
In local tradition, Brava Part was indeed a witch, evoked by parents wanting to keep their children safe from the dangers of the Rio Cavallo, the Rosspach. Much water has flowed since then! Today, the witch no longer scares anyone; in fact, since 1989, she has been appointed the honorary witness of the plateau, its culture, and traditions. Thus, every year, on the last Sunday of September, our character leaves her home, heads to Folgaria, and leads a long procession of floats and musical groups that embody the spectacular folk event named after her.