1) A Place That Tells Our Story
Starting from the 12th century, numerous mills, sawmills, and hydraulic forges were established along the Astico stream, one of the main waterways that runs through the mountainous territory of the Municipality of Folgaria. By the late 19th century, three hydraulic sawmills were operating in the upper Astico valley. Among these, near Tézzeli, the Mèin sawmill still exists.

The Mein sawmillis named after the owner’s family nickname the Tezzele Mèighen. The last sawyer was Ottorino Tezzele, who kept the mill running until 1975, with a production
which mainly satisfied the local need. Sawing operations could be carried out when the wheel was free of ice and the water flow was adequate, mainly the spring and autumn. The period of greatest use was between the two world wars.