In spring, silence becomes the great protagonist of the mountains: a silence thatbrings well-being! Then there is the greenery, coloring the dense foliage of the forests in athousand shades, welcoming us in a soft embrace.
The top 5 spring experiences
The 60 km of Vigolana. An itinerary with gentleslopes to explore by bicycle (mountain bike orgravel) or on a trekking excursion, even in stages,discovering the Vigolana, the spectacular viewsof Lake Caldonazzo, and the numerous farms.
The Breath of Trees
The tradition of art combined with nature,where nature itself becomes art.
A Land Art pathcomposed of numerous works by various artistswho have managed to blend nature and themagic of art, giving life to beautiful sculptures.
Lusérn Among Italy’s most beautiful villages
Strolling through the village of Lusérn, visitingthe Haus von Prükk, one of the most charmingthematic museums, and then discovering thedelights of the local cuisine.
“Il sentiero dell'acqua”Trail
An itinerary, both for biking and trekking, wherethe absolute protagonist is water: the water ofthe Astico stream (Astach in Cimbrian) and theancient Cueli Mill.
The dandelion has curious nicknames;for example, it is called the shepherd’sclock because it opens at the first rayof light and closes at sunset. Mountainpeople used to call it the devil’s flower,probably because towards the end of theMiddle Ages, the dandelion was demonizeddue to its name, Taraxacum, which in Latinmeans disturbance.
3) In spring, while snow still lingers on the highest peaks, nature awakens in the woods and meadows.
The season of great blooms brings an array ofscents, sounds, and colors. The white and purpleexpanses of crocuses, the yellow of dandelions,the pure white and soft pink of apple and cherryblossoms, and the pink of heather on the hills.Between May and June, the blooms of arnica,lilies, gentians, orchids, globe flowers, andsilver geraniums spread across the verdantmeadows, creating a magnificent floral carpet.The landscapes become enchanting, with amazingcontrasts of white, green, and blue, and the crispair mingles with the first warm rays of the sun. Thesound of streams and brooks swelling with thethaw, the rustling of the dense larch foliage, andthe magical sound of silence reigning in the forests.Spring is that beautiful season to be savoredslowly, enjoying every single moment spent on theAlpe Cimbra. It’s a time to explore on days whenrain and mist create magical atmospheres and todelight in the taste of zero-kilometer delicaciesserved on the tables of restaurants, farmhouses,and mountain huts.