Christmas Market in Bosentino

Bosentino, Palazzetto dello sport
07.12.2024 - 15.12.2024
Christmas Market in Bosentino
Christmas Market in Bosentino
Christmas Market in Bosentino
Christmas Market in Bosentino

On the weekends of 7-8 December and 14-15 December in the village of Bosentino will take place "Artisans in Bosentino, the Christmas Market", organized by the local Pro Loco. At the palace of Bosentino you can find many artisan products, made strictly by hand, typical products of local gastronomy, but also music and workshops for children, all wrapped in the magical Christmas atmosphere. Merchants, merchants and hobbyists of the area will offer the public local culinary products and crafts. Young and old, residents and tourists, will then have the opportunity to walk three stalls tasting local specialties or buying small pieces of local crafts.

Hours: from 10.00 to 19.00

More information: at the APT offices 0464 724130 or by sending an email to
