Selezione Principessa Sissi madrina della Grande Sfilata della Brava Part

Folgaria, P. Marconi
20.08.2024 - 20.08.2024
Selezione Principessa Sissi madrina della Grande Sfilata della Brava Part
Selezione Principessa Sissi madrina della Grande Sfilata della Brava Part
Selezione Principessa Sissi madrina della Grande Sfilata della Brava Part

The great end-of-summer party returns to Folgaria on the Alpe Cimbra: over 600 participants will bring to life an exciting historical reenactment from Costa to the center of Folgaria on Sunday, September 29th. For this occasion, the Alpe is looking for the parade's godmother, Princess Sissi, who will parade in period dress in her carriage alongside the Emperor.

On August 20th in Piazza Marconi in Folgaria, the Princess Sissi 2024 will be elected. The girls who pass the first selection will parade in the square in period dress accompanied by our Prince. Don't miss the opportunity to be the godmother of the Great Parade of Brava Part 2024 on September 29th!

*15 girls residing in Trentino between the ages of 16 and 30 will be admitted to the selection.

Applications, to be submitted by August 10th, will be reviewed by a special committee. To participate in the event on August 20th, simply send an email to and you will receive the participation form.

Time: 9:00 pm

Location: Piazza Marconi

For more information: at the APT offices 0464 724130 or by sending an email to

