
Barefoot walking: whenever, wherever… on the snow, in the grass, inside the streams
This original activity allows you to get in touch with nature in every season, to connect with yourself and to experience new ways to recover your psychophysical wellbeing.

Barefoot walking is a practice made of physical and mental strength, emotions, concentration, poetry and silence.

Take off your shoes and walk barefoot in a woodland, through a dewy meadow, along the natural steps of a high altitude trail.

Learn how to feel the heat of the stones exposed to the sun and their different textures under the soles of your bare feet.

This simple, healthy - even therapeutic - and natural practice belongs to prehistory, it is in the DNA of human beings. Everyone can practice it, yet it is rare in the nowadays lives of people.

It takes very little to relearn how to walk barefoot.

Step by step the mechanics of the human foot, the wholesome connections with the earth's electromagnetism, the millions stirrings rising through the body up to the mind meet together.

You will feel such exciting vibes.

A recommended route in Alpe Cimbra develops in the area Millegrobbe. You can test it every year in March, during the Dolomiti Winter Fest event.

The perfect natural environment demands silence, breath-taking panoramas, fresh and fragrant air.

And when the snow vanishes, making way for spring and summer, the experience becomes even more various: inside the cold water of the streams, through the soft turf covering the wide meadows of the Alpine lands, in the hay drying in the sun

Lean your bare feet, your skin on the pure white snow, start your Kneipp walk between the snow crystals and let yourself be carried away by emotions.

It was the German abbot Kneipp who turned the art of moving from cold to hot into a therapy but, in order to make this experience exciting and not traumatic, you will need some teachings.

About a year ago, in Trentino, Andrea Bianchi founded the school "The silence of steps" , the first Italian coaching of barefoot walking in nature.

Alpe Cimbra is truly the ideal setting for barefoot experience!